Thursday, 21 April 2011

Knowing you're right has to be better than proving you're right...

Hey bloggers,

Have you ever been told by someone you are wrong when you know for a fact you're right?  Do you ever get angry at people who try to insist on their righteousness?

'Knowing your right has to be better than proving your right, in some cases.'

Everyday we are faced with decisons.  Decisions that can have big or small effects on the world, but never the less still there is an impact.  However, everyday we are also judged upon the decisions we make.  As the decisions we make can define our personality to others.  We can end up being purely judged on one decison!  Isn't it amazing to think that one wrong decision can braek up families, buisnesses, friendships and even marriages.  However, who decides the decisions we have made are wrong?  Who determines who has the ultimate power over morality?

Morals, defined by societies and vary across the globe.  Who's morals are correct?  How do we know?  I think we can probably agree on the fact that the holocaust was in fact a horrible, terrible decsion to make and because a majority vote will be reached that agree, it is therefore globally defined that the holocaust was wrong.  Though, these decisions aren't what effect us all directly.  The decisions that effect us directly are the decisions made by our family members, work collegues, spouses and friends.  These are the decisions that do not effect the globe so do not have the oppurtunity to be voted on by society.  So who does get the ultimate say?

I will admit, it is slightly different in work environments.  There are a set of rules and regulations we must follow and if we go against them, we are in the wrong.  So, are problems in the work place still easy to sort out?  I think not as many will disagree with the rules and regulations - especially those reguarding employee and employer conduct.  Someone may have the view that the employee should be beholdent to the employer.  Someone else may have the view that the employer should treat everyone with respect.  In the eyes of the law, as long as you sign to a contract, your employer can treat you in whatever way they fancy if it applies to governemt and employer guidelines.  So, we have established the employee can in certain cases have very little power or influence over big decisions made.  Therefore, if they think they know they are right, and a decision they believe has been made is wrong, despite whether or not they are wrong or right, they should remain silent.  It will save their job and therefore save their family from becoming homeless.  Where we have no power to use, we can't get any workdone.

Personal decisons effecting family, friends and spouses are probably the hardest to referee or put into a moral context.  I these situations there are always two sides to every coin.  For example: there is the classic tale of one spouse sleeping with someone besides their partner and claiming they did it because they didn't feel loved or felt neglected.  You can already see people are going to be siding with either spouse.  Though, who has the right to decide which move was the wrong move?  Which move was the right mood?  These types of incidences arise all the time and sometimes, I think that allowing someone else to think they are right can actually solve a lot of heartache.  If they get the satisfaction of knowing they have nothing to apologize for, then this can take a large amount of strain off of the relationship and it can start to be rebuilt.  Though again, who makes the first move?  Who allows the other to think they are in the right first?  Why can't we all just get on?!

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